
国务院关于劳动教养的补充规定(中英对照) Supplementary Decision of the State Council on Re-education Through Labor (Chinese and English bilingual)


Supplementary Decision of the State Council on Re-education Through Labor Chinese and English  bilingual

(Approved at the 12th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and promulgated for implementation by the State Council on November 29, 1979)

Supplementary Decision of the State Council on Re-education Through Labor

The following supplementary provisions are made with a view to better enforcing the Decision of the State Council Regarding the Question of Rehabilitation Through Labour, approved by the 78th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the First National People's Congress on August 1, 1957:

 (1) Administrative committees for rehabilitation through labour shall be established by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and of large and medium-sized cities, and shall be composed of the persons responsible for civil affairs, public security and labour departments. They shall be responsible for directing and administering the work of rehabilitation through labour.

 (2) Those people in large and medium-sized cities who need to be rehabilitated through labour shall be interned for the purpose of rehabilitation. The administrative committees for rehabilitation through labour of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and of large and medium-sized cities, shall be responsible for examining and approving those who need such rehabilitation.

 (3) The term of rehabilitation through labour shall be one to three years. When necessary, it may be extended for one more year. Rest shall be allowed on festivals and Sundays.

 (4) After their release, persons who have undergone rehabilitation through labour shall not be discriminated against in employment and enrollment in schools. Their families including children shall not be subjected to discrimination.

 (5) The people's procuratorates shall exercise supervision over the activities of the organs in charge of rehabilitation through labour.

