
2013年年度托马斯.多德国际公正与人权奖接受提名(Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights)2013 Nomination Announcement

Thomas J. Dodd Prize
in International Justice and Human Rights

Nomination and Selection Process

2013 Nomination Announcement

Eligibility: The Dodd Prize shall be awarded to an individual or group who has furthered the cause of international human rights and justice through the legal process over an extended period of time.

Nomination Process: The Dodd Prize will be publicly announced on this website and through appropriate human rights publications at least one year prior to the date of its awarding. Individuals and groups shall be nominated for the Dodd Prize by members of the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center's Advisory Board, by previous winners of the Dodd Prize and by human rights organizations and judges and staff of the International Human Rights Tribunals, and members of the public. The Dodd Prize Selection Committee will not accept self-nominations.
The Dodd Prize Selection Committee will review the nominees and will recommend no less than three and no more than five nominees to the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center's Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will review the names sent forward by the Selection Committee and recommend a prize recipient to the President of the University of Connecticut at least six months prior to the awarding of the prize.

Nomination Form and Deadline: Nominations for the 2013 Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights will be accepted through December 31, 2012.

To submit a nomination, please choose either a an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word version of the nomination form and send it via mail, or email to the Thomas J. Dodd Prize Selection Committee.

Thomas J. Dodd Prize Selection Committee
c/o Lisa J. Laplante
Thomas J. Dodd Research Center
405 Babbidge Road, Unit 1205
Storrs, CT 06269-1205 USA

e-mail: lisa.laplante@law.uconn.edu

Selection Process: The Dodd Prize Selection Committee shall be made up of eight members, including the following:
  • The Chair and two other members of the Advisory Board of the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center;
  • The Director of the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center;
  • The Director of the University of Connecticut Human Rights Institute;
  • One University of Connecticut faculty member nominated by the President of the University of Connecticut;
  • Two human rights specialists, nominated by the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center's Advisory Board, who will review all applications prior to a wider review by the entire committee.
General Timetable for Nomination and Selection Process (2012-2013):
  • May, 2012 - Nomination material distributed and nominations solicited.
  • December, 2012 - All nominations must be received at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.
  • February, 2013 - All nominations distributed to Dodd Prize Selection Committee for Review.
  • March, 2013 - Dodd Prize Selection Committee meets and recommends one or more candidates to the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center's Advisory Board.
  • March, 2013 - The Thomas J. Dodd Research Center's Advisory Board may seek additional input and information on the nominees. The Dodd Advisory Board meets to review Dodd Prize Selection Committee recommendation and selects a nominee for the Dodd Prize. The name of the nominee is forwarded to the President of the University of Connecticut.
  • April 2013 - Dodd Prize recipient(s) notified and scheduling begins for fall 2013 awarding of the Dodd Prize.

1 条评论:

  1. 众所周知人类是理性动物,因此就有从基本生活要求乃至甚高理想境界的国家要求,这是普世普遍存在的价值观!这是我们认为不言而喻的道理,人人生而平等,全世界的创建者赋予了每个人不可剥夺的权利,享有生存保障、思想自由和追求幸福。


    我们也不断努力谋求让我们得到一个最广泛支持的公民基础,从而发布国家司法研究、公共政策研究、选举制度和策略研究,为平民争取公正和公平的方针政策而发挥我们的榜样影响。 我们的任务是制订和推动进步的公共政策法案,以自由市场为导向的经济基础,评定高信用价值企业,维护讲自由市场经济规则的智能政府,保证个人自由的人权和契约主权环境,发展中国正派传统和演化民间价值观, 积极缔造在世界上重要综合大国位置,在友好的国际关系中扮演相对应友好角色角色和一个足够强大的自我国防保障力量。
